
IR5HM4N Culinary  is an anagram for Irishman Culinary 

Operating from the brand new kitchen located at Hobbs Manor we provide meals and fresh baking on a daily basis for the residents of the Manor.

Utilizing fresh unprocessed ingredients as much as passible, we prepare most of our offerings from scratch!

We also cater for functions, parties & special events . We are licensed to provide catering services anywhere with Brandon and surrounding areas.

IR5HM4N Culinary is operated by Paul Mount, an Irishman by birth, with over 40 years experience in the Culinary industry.

Well know in Brandon, he has been working with seniors for many years both here & Alberta .

Holding London institute of technology " City & Guilds" and Canadian "Red Seal", he brings a new standard to seniors Culinary.

Being ex-military, he takes pride in his work and passion in his cooking.

Paul is a member of the Brandon Chamber of Commerce & currently sits on the executive of The Royal Canadian Legion, #003 Branch in Brandon.